



F: 7.0 分,妹子相当的年轻,我问她年纪被告知是2004年出生的,今年19岁,目测实际年纪相差无几。照片根据家具拍摄可以看出是实地拍摄,但是因为脸挡完了所以没有太大参考价值。妹子是邻家少女气质性女生,脸是鹅蛋脸,眉毛弯弯的,眼睛大大的。嘴唇有点嘟嘟的但是不厚。Amy是苏杭人,说话有点江浙女生那种软糯糯的感觉。脸上没有任何科技。

B: 7.5 分,Amy 有170的身高,开门的时候穿一条紧身齐B超短牛仔裤,紧身白色T恤,一双高跟鞋,身材比列很美,一双大长腿非常诱人。肤色非常白皙,胸是36C-D之间,真胸无科技,乳头不大且粉色很漂亮。身材是那种非常的适中,不是骨感型,较为丰满,屁股很翘很有弹性。小森林很茂盛,Amy应该是那种性欲蛮强的女生,光从妹妹上的浓郁的毛发就可以判断,小妹妹是馒头B的形状,颜色浅。

A: 7.5 分,态度一直笑眯眯的,情商不错,年纪不大但是很会说话。阅历不太深,有问必答,也很诚恳,不是那种心机女。

S: 7.5 分,这个妹子的服务我是没有想到的,原本以为这么嫩口颜值又高的女生应该没有什么服务,也没有什么太多的期望值。一套流程下来有些出乎意料。SF2 洗澡很认真洗,没有水萧估计妹子还没熟悉流程,擦干上床后,妹子主动上来亲吻,这一点我有点没想到,好在老师傅的应变能力强,很快便开始品尝Amy的丁香小舌了。一阵热吻之后妹子开始BJ,她的技术可以说是非常的好,小嘴很有吸力,而且没有齿感。重点来了,妹子可以深喉!虽然一开始她不是很熟练,但是妹子很愿意尝试,最后在老师傅的悉心指导下终于完成了ballsdeep的深喉!并且在连续深喉后出来时竟然看到了我最爱的拉丝!我天简直不要太爽了。我叫妹子把长长的黑发扎以来,然后手里抓住她的马尾,叫她跪在床上而我站着,就这样深喉口交了足足有十多分钟。每次出没都有看到拉丝,我简直不要太high了。妹子应该没有毒龙我也没有问,不想一次提太多吓到妹子,慢慢再调教好了。上套开干,Amy的小妹妹很紧而且水很多,问她她说BJ时候她也非常兴奋。这个妹子无疑是个闷骚型的小骚货。那还说什么呢,不能客气了啊。于是我从抓着她的马尾开始后入式,一只手抓马尾,一只手抓屁股,狠狠地撞击她,她发出那种软糯糯的叫声更加使我性欲大增。换女上位的时候我摸了一把下面,全是水,妹子已经湿透了。女上位一面含着乳头一面抽动了几十下,又换成传统的传教士,妹子叫声更猛了,后来一阵哥哥爸爸的乱叫,并且跟我激烈的fuck kiss,一双大长腿双腿还锁着我的腰,最后已经忍无可忍在妹子特有的江南水乡叫声中缴了械。。


Repeat: 已经约了下一次了。我觉得她的接受能力强,配合度很高,应该还有很多可以调教得地方,

This shop doesn't update their line up often, but they do have an eye for the younger "talent". Very reasonable rates and the keeper is friendly. Would recommend.
2024-01-09 05:40:13
感觉根据描述 比helen 更 slut一些。
2024-01-09 10:37:24
Inevitable question:  How do you rank Helen/Luck/Tina/Amy in terms of age-youth, skills, attitude?
2024-01-09 11:02:54
2024-01-09 11:50:36
Just wanted to mentioned LISA; has the natural beauty look imo (not saying she nvr had ps). She has relatively light makeup which is a sign of youth and beauty. Age is early to mid 20s; and appears she does go to college (when I asked her she does seem to be able to back it up). She can somewhat speak conversational English.  If she wears more makeup i think she 60-70% resembles 鄺潔楹 Judy Kwong.
2024-01-09 15:56:11
stevew48340 发表于 2024-1-9 16:02
Inevitable question:  How do you rank Helen/Luck/Tina/Amy in terms of age-youth, skills, attitude?
My POV: Amy, Helen, Tina, Luck.

arthurs 发表于 2024-1-9 16:50

Lisa 颜值略高。但这个Amy更年轻。
2024-01-09 16:23:07
100元小費 看來大哥你真的很滿意.
2024-01-09 17:57:29
jbaprototype 发表于 2024-1-9 20:56
Just wanted to mentioned LISA; has the natural beauty look imo (not saying she nvr had ps). She has  ...

Thanks for the celeb comparison. Good to know her english is decent.
Not sure how I feel about going for the same SP as whiteboymarts though :/
2024-01-09 18:10:17
Aizen92 发表于 2024-1-9 23:10
Thanks for the celeb comparison. Good to know her english is decent.
Not sure how I feel about goi ...

haha im confused? as in your saying this agency also caters to non-asian? I actually thought majority of their clients are asian as i do not see them advertised in the red forum; and see no reviews of any of their girls.

nowadays its really hard to find SP that only caters to asians
2024-01-09 18:49:12
2024-01-10 09:14:56
Aizen92 发表于 2024-1-9 23:10
Thanks for the celeb comparison. Good to know her english is decent.
Not sure how I feel about goi ...

I dont blame you... After your Asian hookers get a taste of the BWC your little baby dick doesnt do shit for them.

jbaprototype 发表于 2024-1-9 23:49
haha im confused? as in your saying this agency also caters to non-asian? I actually thought major ...

Awww. Must suck having a little baby dick.

** Moderator / 版主留言 **
I don't get it.
After all your complaints about this forum sucks, why are still hanging around here like a stray mutt?

Your own people don't welcome you in their groups either?
You don't have anything better to do with your time than squatting here like a homeless bum and making juvenile / racist comments?
I found you extremely annoying before, but now I just feel bad for you.
Must suck having no life and no friends.
2024-01-10 11:30:22
jbaprototype 发表于 2024-1-9 20:56
Just wanted to mentioned LISA; has the natural beauty look imo (not saying she nvr had ps). She has  ...

Shit.  I forgot about Lisa.  I like Judy Kwong!   Both Lisa and Amy added to my TDL.  
2024-01-10 14:12:15
想试试看,之前试过他们家的Tina和Mikko 其实一般般 希望有更好的体验
2024-01-10 15:02:15
whiteboymarts 发表于 2024-1-10 16:30
I dont blame you... After your Asian hookers get a taste of the BWC your little baby dick doesnt do ...

You must be one of those incels like the guy who deliberately ran over pedestrians with a truck on yonge street because he was mad at the world because he couldn't get laid.

Racist assholes like you are usually losers that get rejected by their own community... no friends, no girls, no money, no future, no nothing... so you take out your frustrations by talking shit about minorities to feel superior.

2024-01-10 22:20:06
Look at all the litter rice dicks coming out trying to insult me. Lol..

How's that Genocide going over in China btw?
2024-01-11 03:05:20
whiteboymarts 发表于 2024-1-11 08:05
Look at all the litter rice dicks coming out trying to insult me. Lol..

How's that Genocide going o ...

Nobody is trying to insult you. You're doing a great job making an ass out of yourself.

Its not surprising you dumb white folks drink the establishment's koolaid about genocides that are as real as the weapons of mass destruction that Bush claimed Iraq had.

2024-01-11 12:29:07
2024-01-14 17:30:07
2024-01-16 06:46:30
大家叫我大鲨鱼 发表于 2024-1-14 22:30
520家的照片一直都是挺真实的,看楼主写的这个妹妹是不错。有机会要去试试。 ...

你是Vancouver & Toronto 東西岸都玩?
2024-01-16 07:17:35
感谢兄弟报告。天然C 听起来很吸引。想请问amy女上不主动。是因为新手的关系吗?
2024-05-11 05:34:04
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